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RUN FOR ANOTHER is an annual charitable 5K/10K run/walk to support Orphan Relief Projects directed by Promise Kids a Future, Inc. (PKAF), a Hague-Accredited non-profit organization based in Georgetown, KY. PKAF is also a child placement agency and provides ongoing support through its projects to help sponsor children with food, clothing, school supplies, education and the operation of Noah’s Ark home for orphaned children.
LOCATION & TIME: 130 Technology Court | Georgetown, Kentucky
Off of US Highway 62 (Cynthiana Road) at BCTC Georgetown campus
Check-In & Onsite Registration 8:00 – 8:45am
10K Race Begins at 9:00am | 5K Race Begins at 9:05am
REGISTRATION INFO: Participants can pre-register (recommended)
• Online at:
• Mail in Registration Form & Payment to PKAF
• Register onsite day of race
KEEPSAKES & AWARDS: Runners will receive a participant packet on the day of the race that include event T-shirts (sizes subject to availability) and other curios provided by PKAF and sponsors.
Race timing provided by Headfirst Performance with awards given for overall 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, and individual male and female awards for 1st place in each age group for both races.
COSTS: Early Registration (through August 31st): 5K Run: $30.00 | 10K Run: $40.00
Standard Registration (after August 31st): 5K Run: $35.00 | 10K Run: $45.00
For Groups of EIGHT (8) or more, per person
Early Group Registration 5K Run: $25 10K Run: $30
Standard Registration (after August 31st): 5K Run: $30.00 | 10K Run: $35.00
All proceeds go directly to Orphan Relief Projects – additional donations accepted & appreciated
SPECIAL RULES: Runners must wear their race bibs until awards ceremony is finished. Any runner who deviates from the course for any reason, receives assistance that would give them an unfair advantage over other runners, or does not follow accepted guidelines will be disqualified. Leashed dogs are ok as long as they do not hinder the runners and do not pose a threat. Rollerblades, bikes, and skateboards are not allowed.
INCLEMENT WEATHER: In the event of inclement weather (tornados, flooding, thunderstorms), the race will be cancelled without refund. Runners who have pre-registered will still receive a shirt and event packet (subject to availability).
ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: email | call | (859) 215-0215
Registration Form 5K 10K 2024 (doc)
DownloadFamilies, Friends and Supporters of Promise Kids, We are excited to announce the 2024 annual Run For Another 5K & 10K race for PKAF on Saturday, October 26th. Over the past several years, this race has become a signature event of our annual programming, dedicated to the Orphan Relief Projects initiative that provides much needed food, clothes and supplies to children in our Africa ministries. The Run for Another race also provides a morning of fun, fellowship and competitive (or leisurely) participation on a Fall day in Kentucky. We recognize the athleticism of multiple runner classes, promote awareness of our mission, and highlight aspects of our work throughout the course and start/finish-line stations. In addition to our prayer partners and amazing race-day volunteers, our RACE SPONSORS are critical to the success of the event, as their generosity in financially underwriting the race makes it possible to take place. As we begin to finalize and promote this year’s race, would you consider becoming a Race Sponsor? We humbly ask for your help by financing this year’s race as a Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze Sponsor. The compassion and benevolence of people like you allow us to fully fund the cost of race and ensure all entry proceeds go directly to orphan relief. It would be our privilege to recognize you or your business in grateful appreciation as a race sponsor this year. The attached Race Sponsorship form includes additional details and, should you choose to partner with us in this way, we request that you return the completed form to us no later than August 31st . THANK YOU for your willingness to consider race sponsorship. If you have any questions, please reach out to your PKAF contact directly or our office at - (859) 215-0215. Sincerely, Board of Directors Promise Kids a Future, Inc.